OFF THE RECORD: ‘The Ballad of La Raza Randy’ Sorta Has That ‘Special’ Ring to It


A clever and obviously talented follower of FACTS that have been reported about gubernatorial candidate Randy Boyd, penned this little ditty which arrived via The Tennessee Star tip line. After reading The Ballad of La Raza Randy, it’s only natural to wonder if and when the ode to “Mayor Moonbeam Megan Barry” will show up.

In the meantime, see if you can make it all the way through to the end without having to wipe the tears rolling down your cheeks from laughing too hard…

The Ballad of La Raza Randy

Randy Boyd’s running all over the state, says he’ll spend whatever it takes.
Money’s no object for this Governor who-would-be and his plan of “greater opportunity”.
Greater opportunity for all citizens (or not), he’s the best friend illegals have got!
He talks of education and jobs galore, all from a supporter of common core.
Nothing we haven’t heard before, typical RINO campaign de jour.

He’s Haslam 2.0, of that you can be sure!
But Randy has a new name and it’s getting around! It’s sure to follow him from town to town!
La Raza Randy is his new name , La Raza Randy, aren’t you ashamed?
What is La Raza and for what do they stand? What are they doing in our fair land?

All for the race they say! We won’t speak your language or follow your way.
They wave foreign flags and mock our sovereignty, a lawless horde threatening our society.
For sanctuary and amnesty for illegals they stand!
Their stated goal is to take back the land from Cali to Texas they claim as Aztlan !

But they’ve found a friend in Randy, whose money came in handy,
the-would-be governor of Tennessee paid Conexicion Americas an election fee!
$250 Grand he gave to Connexion’s Renata, who’s chair of the Board of La Raza!
La Raza Randy was the last to say if Nashville should go the Sanctuary way.
Now he claims No Sanctuary but of his claim you should be wary.

La Raza Randy that’s his name. La Raza Randy I’ll say it plain,
all true Republicans don’t take the blame and avoid La Raza Randy Boyd!

Many thanks to our rhyme master for entertaining us and to Mr. Boyd for providing the content.

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3 Thoughts to “OFF THE RECORD: ‘The Ballad of La Raza Randy’ Sorta Has That ‘Special’ Ring to It”

  1. Wolf Woman


    Maybe La Raza Randy should move to Mexico where he might feel more at home than in the Volunteer State where we send real men to fight for our life, security and

    1. Suzanne Fishet

      Tell him to take the list of philanthropist who combine their donations toSoros for donation.Along several other political seats and programs for the refugee.

  2. Bob

    I am waiting for the Moonbeam classic.
